about pgf

Statement of Purpose:

The Pretti Graffiti Foundation is established to provide funding for humanitarian aid for survivors of non-war-related childhood torture in the United States. 

Humanitarian aid includes but is not limited to: funding for medical, psychiatric, and psychological care, housing assistance, educational and vocational assistance, and any other needs that are pertinent to the recovery, healing, survival, and thriving of people who survived intrafamilial or institutional torture as children.

Non-war-related childhood torture is defined for these purposes as severe childhood maltreatment involving a longitudinal period of abuse characterized by at least two physical assaults, and two or more forms of psychological maltreatment, resulting in prolonged suffering, permanent disfigurement/dysfunction, or death [as proposed by Knox et al., 2014].

Non-war-related means not the direct result of a recognized national or international conflict, and generally inflicted by family members or caregivers, or organizations such as schools, churches, foster care, troubled teen organizations, conversion therapy, and other non-governmental organizations.