What services does the pretti graffiti foundation offer to survivors of non war related childhood torture?

We exist to provide humanitarian aid for survivors.
The economic impact of our past is enormous, and therefore we are focused on alleviating that economic burden.
Currently, we host an online marketplace for self-employed survivors to list their products and services.
Once we secure the necessary funding, we plan to launch programs to meet the healthcare, education, and housing needs of our program recipients.

How do I know if I am a survivor of non war related childhood torture and eligible for humanitarian aid?

No one can really define your experiences but you - and whichever conclusion you end up at, we believe you.

Non war related  means that these things didn't happen to you in the context of war or a recognized national or international conflict or occupation.
Non war related childhood torture is either intrafamilial (happened in your household growing up or was inflicted by a parent, caregiver, or other similar authority figure) or institutional (happened through an organization like a troubled teen/wilderness program or conversion "therapy", etc).

Here are some definitions and examples to help guide your self-defining journey.

1. The medical definition proposed by Knox et al., 2014: Two physical assaults (or one extended assault) plus two forms of psychological maltreatment resulting in prolonged suffering, permanent disfigurement/dysfunction, or death.

2. The perpetrator profile differentiator articulated by Ali Davis: Perpetrators of torture establish complete domination and control over their victims' access to one or more of the basic necessities of life, and they leverage this control to gain information, compliance, or some other desired behavioral outcome including their own gratification.

Basic necessities of life include:  Air (breathing),  Nutrition (eating a healthy balanced age-appropriate and medically appropriate diet), Hydration (drinking water),  Elimination (using the bathroom), Hygiene (bathing, washing hands, wiping after elimination,  menstrual/period supplies, clean clothes/dishes/house), Movement (being free to move your body, not tied down or placed  in a cramped or confined space),  Shelter (housing, protection from cold/hot weather), and  Social Connection (affection,  social interaction).

Examples  include but are not limited to:  [READ WITH CAUTION]

Air: strangulation, waterboarding
Nutrition: starvation, severely restricted diet (not due to medical necessity or poverty), forced consumption
Hydration: access to water restricted (not due to medical necessity)
Elimination: access to bathroom facilities limited, forced to sit in urine or feces, forced to hold urine or feces
Hygiene: not allowed to shower or bathe regularly, not provided or severely restricted menstrual hygiene items
Movement:  tied or chained up, stress positions,  kept or placed in confined spaces like closets or boxes
Shelter:  forced to sleep outside,  clothing or  other shelter items taken  as punishment
Social Connection: solitary confinement, emotional spurning

Additionally, being forced to do any of these things to  other people or to pets is a form of psychological torture so if you were  required to do these things to siblings, friends, pets, etc as a child you are NOT classified as a perpetrator, you were a victim of forced perpetration.

Why does the pretti graffiti foundation only provide assistance for adult survivors?

As an organization run primarily by survivors we are acutely aware of the harms inherent in mandatory reporting and the potential for worsening violence following an investigation (whether or not that investigation results in a removal).
For this reason we have determined that the best way for us to help survivors is to focus on providing assistance to those who are no longer subject to mandatory reporting laws.

How can I get in touch with the pretti graffiti foundation for support?

Are there any resources available for immediate help?

If you are in immediate physical danger, we are not the best resource to help.
Please reach out to a trusted contact or call 911.
For more resources, please visit our resources page.

What types of advocacy work does the pretti graffiti foundation engage in?

Our organization is not officially involved in advocacy yet beyond just our existence and raising awareness.
Our founder is active on social media and focuses on childhood torture and related issues like foster reform, coercive control, child marriage, trafficking, poverty, harm reduction, disability justice, and other issues.

How can I participate in or attend events or workshops hosted by the pretti graffiti foundation?

Check back soon!

What kind of peer support is available through the pretti graffiti foundation?

Please visit our resources page for support group recommendations.

How does the pretti graffiti foundation ensure the safety and privacy of survivors?

Ali Davis personally handles all inbound and outbound survivor communication.
She has HIPAA training and applies HIPAA standards to the handling of survivor communication.
(Our email is not certified HIPAA compliant, however it is secured through gmail).
Any items mailed to survivors are mailed in discreet packaging and only sent by request and with consent.

What should I do if I need legal or financial assistance related to my experience?

We currently do not have the funding required to assist with this (although we hope to soon!) so we would direct you to your local victim's advocacy centers for the time being.

Are there online communities or forums for survivors associated with the pretti graffiti foundation?

We do not run any official online communities at this time, however Ali's social media has a substantial and active survivor community. Keep in mind this is a public forum, so please be mindful of your own privacy and safety when engaging!

How can I contribute or give back to the pretti graffiti foundation as a survivor?

We never expect survivors to contribute financially (and we would recommend you be wary of any organizations who do!).
That being said, we welcome survivors who wish to volunteer their time or expertise. Giving back in this way can help us reclaim our agency and if that seems like it would be helpful to you, fill out our contact form and make sure to check the "volunteer" box!

Where can I learn more about Ali's story?

Keep up with Ali's story on Medium or on TikTok!